Monday, December 30, 2019

Criminal Justice Trends Evnaluatio - 1253 Words

Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation 1 Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation December 10, 2012 CJA/394 Troy Hokanson Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation 2 Introduction The criminal justice system is very important to American society. The reason for laws are to defend society from harm, make certain each person is safe as well as to be treated fairly. The criminal justice system labors to defend the guiltless and to discipline the guilty without putting at risk an individual’s rights.This paper will evaluate the future of the†¦show more content†¦Although, criminals may benefit from technology by using it for criminal gain; law enforcement also benefit from the latest technology. DNA is a technology Criminal Justice Trends and Evaluation 4 that has developed a major impact on the viewpoint of the criminal justice system. With DNA samples of an individual’s fingerprint’s can be lifted from a crime scene. The breakthrough of DNA allows a person to be recognized through body fluid, hair, and fingerprint samples to be able to solve a crime (Smith, 2004). DNA samples identify suspects but one of the more positive aspects of DNA is proving a person innocent when he or she has been falsely imprisoned. Contemporary issues are problems that have faced the criminal justice system. Contemporary Issues There are many contemporary issues facing the criminal justice system and impact has caused problems such as with sentencing, courts, and corrections. The overcrowding of prisons and longer prison sentences are directly related to the â€Å"Three Strikes and You’re Out† laws (Muraskin amp; Roberts, 2009). As is the lack of rehabilitation and reentry training. There are barriers that individuals must face when leaving prison and reentering the general public. These barriers include social, psychological, and legal barriers (Muraskin amp; Roberts, 2009). To completely understand

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Disadvantages Of Censorship In China - 1459 Words

Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. There are good reasons why censorship is used, such as some information might have to be censored for the content it might display and which in turn might cause a disturbance in peace. Countries try not abuse the fact they are allowed to do this because they are the ones who create the rules. However, China is abusing this fact and has been doing it to the point people are fearing what they can post or use on the internet. This issue was brought up in recent years because it has many different types of medians that were found in the New York Times. Firstly, the discussion†¦show more content†¦No one wants to watch a video of people getting hurt and be manipulated into doing others work. That is why there are rules in place and why censorship exist, to keep the internet safe from such videos or pictures. A great example of why we need censorship is cyberbullying or cyberterrorism. If we did not have censorship in place this would get out of control and cause chaos. However, censoring to the point where people have no right to the freedom of speech is taking it to far. China has almost done this by removing almost all forms of communication besides texting, calling, and e-mailing. Their lastest move was the removal of the WhatsApp, it was a very popular app in China because of how well it was for communication and sending out information for others to see. While they did not fully remove the app from its place, they did however, reduce the usage by disrupting the videos, video chat, and picture function to the point of the app not being useful. WhatsApp is an app that was founded by Facebook and is now being censored by the Chinese. WhatsApp was Facebooks way in getting back into China, but because of government trying to get rid of it, the company has taken a major blow. Facebook only stak e in the country is the Colorful Balloons app. This event has many featured articles that are relevant to the issue such as the â€Å"China Blocks WhatsApp, Broadening Online Censorship.† At first, users of the app were having disruptions when sending voiceShow MoreRelatedGoogle in China Case Study791 Words   |  4 PagesGOOGLE IN CHINA CASE STUDY Introduction Currently Google faces major issues regarding its operation in China. Google has been faced with the decision to comply with Chinese government regulation and censor its search engine results or take on the human rights approach of freedom of speech and eliminate censorship of searched terms. This paper will examine the case study, Google in China, and answer the following questions: What advantages and disadvantages does Google have in the Chinese marketRead MoreThe Invention Of The World Wide Web1674 Words   |  7 Pagesvirtually. With the number of users expanding greatly, the risk of privacy has also increased. In online blogs where pros and cons of the internet was the topic, the first con that was listed was the privacy of personal information (The Advantages Disadvantages of The Internet:.). Whether it is the login information for a person’s social media account, or the login information for a person’s bank account, there is a risk of the privacy of a person b eing taken away. Login information is a minimal pieceRead MoreCensorship And Freedom Of Speech Essay1947 Words   |  8 PagesCensorship is becoming a great issue lately especially in china.there is type of censorship moral ,political ,book and is by definition anything can be offensive or harmful so it must be banned usually by high authority as governments .it is arguable whether the governments have the right to censor the media or no.people debate it because it is limit the freedom of speech and press if the authorities have the power to control media by controlling the information. However,media shouldRead MoreThe Offshoring Debate in a Small Organization1994 Words   |  8 PagesMoreover, American creativity and ingenuity is often at stake when IT and other technical needs are outsourced. This could place technology in danger of pirating. With fewer restrictions on copywriting in many of the nations we now outsource to, like China, sensitive and innovative techno logies can be at risk for illegal copying. Many of the nations that work with outsourcing have been slow to set up greater restrictions and regulations in regards to protecting copyright and other forms of creative capitolRead MoreEbay s Strategy Of China912 Words   |  4 PagesEbay’s Strategy in China Founded in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar, eBay became a very successful U.S. company that provides global e-commerce and e-payments. EBay developed very rapidly due its unique expansion strategies. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Gsh sushi hasn’t died Free Essays

That’s a good Joke to tell everyone go get me yester fluffs kudzu,s. Ask rest Skyjacked fisherman’s, numskull fizz FYI edge edge had chef chef edge study astigmatisms. Strange. We will write a custom essay sample on Gsh sushi hasn’t died or any similar topic only for you Order Now Haverford TU. Fondue bed wrong waywardness. Rush cute. Pants shorts toilet paper basketball homework basket baseball football bob Hal got it dude paper pencil underwear algebra 11 Puritans-the people who took the greatest interest In the work of the scientists, especially in England. John Wilkins- a Puritan clergyman, led in the formation of the philosophical college, which met regularly in London to conduct experiments and discuss scientific theories. The Royal Society-the first permanent scientific society of the modern age. The French Academy of science was founded in Paris in 1666. It was supported largely by Hugeness. Blaine Pascal-a brilliant French mathematician and philosopher. In the 20th century, the American Jewish physicist Albert Einstein, discovered new principles of order and reality which dramatically Increased our understanding of ravine. Lintels Is especially remembered for stating the theories of relativity. Circulation of the blood in the human body. Harvey’s work was crucial to the advance of medical science; for, as the Bible proclaimed more than 2000 years before Christ, the life of the flesh is in the blood. The error that was destined to affect the thought of great masses of people by the dawn of the 20th century and to detour many scientists from their true work was Charles Darning’s theory of evolution. Without ability in mathematics, Darwin lacked the chief tool of the great scientists. Darwin took with him a copy of principles of geology by Charles Lye, who is regarded as the father of modern geology. From this book Darwin learned Lye’s false principle of uniformity, the Idea that the present Is the key to the past, that we can only explain what happened In the past on the basis of observations that we can make in the present. The great founders of modern science believe just the opposite: that the past-God’s account of the creation-is the key to the present. In 1859, Charles Darwin published his book The Origin of Species, n which he rejected the biblical record of creation and propose that â€Å"probably all the organic being which has ever lived on the Earth have descended from some one primordial form, into which life was first breathed. Everyone go get me yester fluffs kudzu. Ask rest Skyjacked fisherman’s, numskull fizz FYI edge edge had chef chef edge study JtssgJdsfhbmc. Strange. Haverford TU. Fondue bed wrong waywardness. Rush cute. Pants shorts toilet paper basketball homework basket baseball football bob hi got it dude paper pencil underwear algebra 11 Puritans-the people who took the greatest interest in the work reminisces of order and reality which dramatically increased our understanding of gravity. Einstein is especially remembered for stating the theories of relativity. Andrea Vesuvius-the father of anatomy. In 1616, William Harvey described the circulation of the blood in the human body. Harvey’s work was crucial to the advance book Darwin learned Lye’s false principle of uniformity, the idea that the present is the key to the past, that we can only explain what happened in the past on the basis science believe Just the opposite: that the past-God’s account of the creation-is the How to cite Gsh sushi hasn’t died, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Metalcore free essay sample

The sound, image, and overall message of heavy metal/ hardcore in the past 10 years have, without a doubt, become an increasingly corporations art form while still remaining fairly underground. Nu-metal, the amalgamation Of heavy metal, rock, rap, memo and electronic elements, dominated the radio waves in the late sasss/early sasss with several bands crossing over to the mainstream pop charts such as Koran, Link Park, and imp Backbit. The popularity of nu-metal sharply waned at the end of the early sasss and more soft, alternative rock bands (also known as audio rock or butt rock) I. E.Knickknack and Breaking Benjamin, arose. Meanwhile, an underground genre was about to gain a ridiculous amount of popularity to combat radio rock. This new, underground genre became known as metalwork. Metalwork was an unwaveringly literal combination of heavy metal and hardcore, which garnered a loyal following of younger fans and changed the image and spirit of the once-average heavy metal fan. We will write a custom essay sample on Metalcore or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Early incarnations of the genre existed in the later sasss. The band Converge based itself on a Metallic-like thrash teal sound combined with the time-signature-ignoring Black Flag punk parts.However, the staunch metalwork sound to become famous utilized Guttenberg-style riffs (quickly palm-muting the low E-string and up-stroking the A or D-strings, made famous by Swedish metal band At the Gates) and blended hardcore chugging breakdowns (palm-muted open notes syncopated with a double-kick bass drum al Metallic One). In this style, guitars always had distortion applied, but were much more clear-sounding than the lo-if fuzz of New York Punk bands.While the fist-pumping sasss air metal bands specialized in the falsetto singing vocals and the hardcore punk scene favored shouting-or gang-vocals, a more precise, less damaging style of unclean vocals-or screaming-has been the main staple of metalwork bands. What truly converted these bands from the underground to the mainstream was the inc lusion of power-chord choruses with clean memo- influenced vocals/lyrics, as opposed to earlier lyrical content of wizards and HP Elaborate-issue imagery.In 2004, Massachusetts metalwork band Checklists Engages The End Of Heartache debuted at 21 on the United States pop charts, selling 38,000 copies its first week (Billboard) without any radio play or cable television exposure. In the pre-Youth days, the 2003 revamped heavy metal music video program, Hydrangeas Ball on the MATT network, was the only televised publicity Checklists Engage and other metalwork bands received. The worldwide recognition these seemingly unmarketable bands received came mainly from early audio-streaming profiles like Previous and hiccup. Mom, then spearheaded by social media behemoth Namespace. Instead of relentless DID-touring and sending demo Cads o independent record labels, bands were able to self-promote and gain a formidable virtual fan base without initial record deals. In the mid-sasss, record labels almost exclusively signed heavy metal bands based on the activity and support shown on their Namespace accounts. Acts such as The Devil Wears Pravda and Schizoids received major-label distribution and management without first going on tour.With labels fully targeting the younger demographic of energetic Namespace-using metalwork fanatics, the image and look of the bands and th eir merchandise nearly became more pivotal than he music itself. The conventional heavy metal merchandise look of leather jackets, black logged t-shirts and holed jeans were replaced with the paradoxical fashion Of neon-colored designs and skinny female jeans worn by both genders. This style of clothes was so successfully sold, band merchandise outlet Hot Topic was named the #53 business to work for by Fortune Magazine in 2006. (CNN . Mom) To combat this memo-tinged genre of fashion-obsessed popular metalwork, 2007 brought exposure and popularity to a new wave of heavy metal titled decorator. Borrowing heavily from animal death metal (or New York metal) band Cannibal Corpse, the Guttenberg guitar riffs were replaced by dissonant tremolo-picking at light speed pace with abrupt, even slower, down-tuned hardcore breakdowns thrown into the mix. Memo-style choruses were also nixed for lower-pitched guttural vocal screams while lyrics and merchandise became darker and more violence-based (heavily influenced by Cannibal Corpse as well).Decorator bands r eplaced metalwork bands at the Billboard charts with acts such as Suicide Silences No Time To Bleed selling 14,000 copies in its first eek in 2009 (Billboard). While both metalwork and decorator bands instantaneously generated giant fan bases which only a handful of preceding traditional heavy metal acts acquired, the staunch and insular approach to their music made their fame only temporary. Once its popularity declined in late 201 0, a popular new wave of digitized heavy metal was starting to crest.With a major increase of Dos producing electronic dance music, metal acts started a second wave of nu-metal, playing much less technical and groove- based breakdowns performed over pre-recorded techno-style electronic oases. Power-chord choruses returned but were muted in the mix compared to the synthesizer background noises and boy-band style clean vocals. While fast-paced beats were conventional for metalwork and decorator concerts, 2nd wave nu-metal bands (I. E. Of Mice Men and Issues) generally kept the staccato String chugging on a 4/4 time measure for more accessible listening. Even with file-sharing and music-pirating showing no sign of stopping, the aforementioned bands 2014 Cads both placed in the top 10 Billboard chart, selling 51 ,OHO and 22,000, respectively, in the first week. Heavy metals definition has remained abstract throughout the decades, its image elusive and its sound revamped and interpreted in more ways than imaginable. Metalcore free essay sample Is a genre of music which has always been difficult to define. In the famous words of united States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart l know it when I see it. Although Mr.. Potter was referring to another subject deemed hardcore, the quote is a solid idiom for the general masses who hear a few distorted seconds of any abrasive, rock-based song. However, the progression of standard heavy genres of music (and Its subsequent submerges) have become increasingly less black-and- white In the post-9/11 age of Information.The sound, Image, and overall message of eave metal/hardcore In the past 10 years have, without a doubt, become an increasingly corporations art form while still remaining fairly underground. Nu-metal, the amalgamation of heavy metal, rock. Rap, memo and electronic elements, dominated the radio waves in the late CSS/early asss with several bands crossing over to the mainstream pop charts such as Koran, Link Park, and Limp Belt. We will write a custom essay sample on Metalcore or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The popularity of nu-metal sharply waned at the end of the early asss and more soft, alternative rock bands (also known as radio rock or butt rock) I. E.Knickknack and Breaking Benjamin, arose. Meanwhile, an underground genre was bout to gain a ridiculous amount of popularity to combat radio rock. This new, underground genre became known as metalwork. Metalwork was an unwaveringly literal combination of heavy metal and hardcore, which garnered a loyal following of younger fans and changed the Image and spirit of the once-average heavy metal fan. Early Incarnations of the genre existed in the later tests. The band Converge based itself on a Metallic-like thrash metal sound combined with the telnet- signature-ignoring Black Flag punk parts.However, the staunch metalwork sound to become famous utilized Guttenberg-style riffs (quickly palm-muting the low E- tiring and up-stroking the A or D-strings, made famous by Swedish metal band At the Gates) and blended hardcore chugging breakdowns (palm-muted open notes syncopated with a double-kick bass drum al Metallic One). In this style, guitars always had distortion applied, but were much more clear-sounding than the lo-if fuzz of New York Punk bands. Hill the fist-pumping offs hair metal bands specialized in the falsetto singing vocals and the hardcore punk scene favored shouting-or gang-vocals, a more precise, less damaging style of unclean vocals-or screaming- has been the main staple of metalwork bands. What truly converted these bands from the underground to the mainstream was the Inclusion of power-chord choruses with clean memo-launche d vocals/lyrics, as opposed to earlier lyrical content of wizards and HP Elaborate-issue Imagery.In 2004, Massachusetts metalwork band Checklists Engages The End of Heartache debuted at 21 on the united States top charts, selling 38,000 copies its first week (Billboard) without any radio play or cable television exposure. In the pre-Youth days, the 2003 revamped heavy metal music video program, Hydrangeas Ball on the MATT network, was the only televised publicity Checklists Engage and other metalwork bands received. The worldwide recognition these seemingly unmarketable bands received came mainly from early social media behemoth Misplace. Instead of relentless DID-touring and sending demo Cads to independent record labels, bands were able to self-promote and gain a formidable virtual fan base without initial record deals. In the mid-asss, record labels almost exclusively signed heavy metal bands based on the activity and support shown on their Misplace accounts.Acts such as The Devil Wears Pravda and Schizoids received major-label distribution and management without first going on tour. With labels fully targeting the younger demographic of energetic Misplace-using metalwork fanatics, the image and look of the bands and their merchandise nearly became more pivotal than the music itself. The conventional heavy metal merchandise look of leather Jackets, black lodged t-shirts and holed Jeans were replaced with the paradoxical fashion of neon-colored designs and skinny female leans worn by both gend ers.This style of clothes was so successfully sold, band merchandise outlet Hot Topic was named the #53 business to work for by Fortune Magazine in 2006. (CNN. Mom) To combat this memo-tinged genre of fashion-obsessed popular metalwork, 2007 brought exposure and popularity to a new wave of heavy metal titled decorate. Borrowing heavily from seminal death metal (or New York metal) band Cannibal Corpse, the Guttenberg guitar riffs were replaced by dissonant tremolo-picking at light speed pace with abrupt, even slower, down-tuned hardcore breakdowns thrown into the mix.Memo-style choruses were also nixed for lower- pitched guttural vocal screams while lyrics and merchandise became darker and more violence-based (heavily influenced by Cannibal Corpse as well). Decorate bands replaced metalwork bands at the Billboard charts with acts such as Suicide Silences No Time To Bleed selling 14,000 copies in its first week in 2009 (Billboard). Nile both metalwork and decorate bands instantaneously generated giant fan bases which only a handful of preceding traditional heavy metal acts acquired, the staunch and insular approach to their music made their fame only temporary.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

21 Subtle Signs Your Coworkers Hate You

21 Subtle Signs Your Coworkers Hate You Are you secretly (or not so secretly) afraid that your coworkers hate you? Plenty of people will make this painfully clear, but there are people who give off much subtler signs. Rather than dwelling on the angst, why not ask yourself whether your coworkers are showing, through their behavior and their comments, their dislike for you? Here are 21 subtle signs you might need a personality makeover at work (or a new batch of coworkers).1. Your gut says soIt could just be in your head, but it could also be true. If you have a particularly grumpy or nasty coworker, but you notice they aren’t being grumpy or nasty to anyone else, that might be a sign to trust your instinct. If you have a strong feeling, listen to it!2. They take credit for your workIf someone goes out of their way to steal the credit for your ideas, and they don’t do that with anyone else? Problem.3. They won’t maintain eye contactWhen you dislike someone, it’s painful to look at them, right? Yo u’re constantly afraid your look will convey the underlying hostility. If you notice a colleague avoiding your eyes, this is a possible reason why.4. They never smile near youLet alone at you. When you’re around, you feel like you have personally rained on their parade. They’re usually very chipper, just never with you.5. They’re snippyAgain, people can have bad moods and days and be generally snippy, but if you notice this happens mostly to you and almost all the time? Red flag.6. They exclude youYour colleague makes a ton of jokes and banter about the office, but you never seem to be able to wiggle your way into it. If you’re not part of the inner circle or the team, there might be a reason.7. They avoid youYour coworker practically dives into the elevator when he sees you coming, or ducks around the corner, or takes a break as soon as you arrive†¦well, the writing is on the wall.8. They spread rumorsYou’ve heard a few rumors about yo urself and they all trace back to one person†¦yeah,  there’s a very good chance that person just doesn’t like you.9. They play bossThis person is not your boss. You might even be on the same level. But they constantly try to wield unauthorized power over you. That suggests, at very least, that they find themselves superior to you in some important way.10. They don’t acknowledge youYou walk into the room and say â€Å"good morning† and everyone else says â€Å"good morning† back†¦except him.11. You never get the inviteYour coworker is constantly inviting people out to happy hours or coffees or lunches, but you never make the list.12. You pick up on bad body languageIf you catch little eye rolls here and there, or other prickly body language like arms crossed over the chest, you can sometimes read the truth in how your coworker feels about you through these cues.13. They’re defensiveYour coworker get super defensive in your presenc e. This can indicate a lack of trust, intimidation, or deeper dislike. Add it to the list.14. They don’t talk to youYou sit five feet from this person, but they never communicate with you except by email. That’s a good sign they’re trying to limit your in-person contact.15. You’re met with a chorus of â€Å"no†Your coworker(s) is always disagreeing with you. Shooting down your every idea- sometimes even before you can get the whole thing out. Ask yourself, does he/she do that with anybody else?16. They’re cliqueyIf your office has started to feel like high school and your coworker like a mean girl that bullies you, then that’s a good sign something is off in your dynamic.17. They never ask about youYour colleagues are always talking about their hobbies, families, weekend plans. Just not around you.18. You’re always on the back burnerYour concerns and needs and projects continually take a back seat. The most important things to your job performance are never prioritized by your team. Bad sign.19. You get thrown under the busIf you’re getting tattled upon, turned in, blamed for things†¦ that’s never good. There’s a good chance your disgruntled coworker is trying to get you fired.20. They encourage you to leaveIf a coworker keeps insinuating that there might be a perfect position for you somewhere else, and that you’d be â€Å"so much happier or more successful† there, that’s a great sign they’re trying to get rid of you.21. There’s no trustIf you can tell you’re on a need-to-know basis when you shouldn’t be, or that your motives are being questioned, then this is a big sign that there’s a rift.Once you figure out the verdict, you’ll have a chance to alter your behavior and right the situation. It’s always best to have your colleagues on your side. Be sensitive to their needs and wants and you’ll be much ha ppier at work yourself.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Write a Childrens Book with 11 Easy Steps for Success

How to Write a Childrens Book with 11 Easy Steps for Success How to Write a Childrens Book with 11 Easy Steps for Success Learning how to write a childrens book involves a number of steps. Its more than just writing out a silly idea and drawing picturesHave you written a book for children that has been rejected by agents and publishers over and over? Or do you have a page full of kids’ writing prompts or book ideas but no idea what to do with them?If you’re like me, this has made you wonder if you’re good enough, smart enough, talented enough, or just plain enough for this writing and publishing for kids gigI’ve met my fair share of authors who’ve been swindled by hybrid publishers or spent years investing time, money, and energy into an industry that has given them little in return. Never fear! We are here to help you!Heres how to write a childrens book:Determine who youre writing forLearn what makes a good childrens bookRead a lot of childrens booksFlesh out your own book ideaOutline your childrens bookNarrow the detailsWrite your childrens book!Re-read and revise yo ur first draftGet your book editedFind a childrens book illustratorCelebrate writing a childrens book!NOTE: We cover everything in this blog post and much more about the writing, marketing, and publishing process in our VIP Self-Publishing Program (Yes! We even pair you up with a childrens book coach if thats what youre writing!). Learn more about it hereWhat is a Childrens Book?At its core, children’s books are everything from Young Adult down to board books for your teething kiddo. But there are a wide variety of standards and skill between these opposite ends.For example, books for young adults are full of detail, world-building, plots and subplots, setting creation, and strong character development, with no pictures, for thousands of words.Picture books, on the other hand, serve our 0 to 8-year-old audience and have very few words, lots of pictures, simple plots but intense engagement.For our purposes here, let’s think Early Reader down to Mom-or-Dad-reads-it-to-yo u. Everything else is essentially novel writing for an older child audience.Why write a childrens book?There are a number of reasons to write for children. The bonuses and motivation for writing childrens books will often be much different than if you want to write a full novel.Here are some of the wrong reasons to write a childrens book:â€Å"I’m retired now and want to make a livable wage doing something easy.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Children’s books are short so I know they’re easy to write and fast to the money.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I want to write but I’m not sure what. Kids don’t expect much so I’ll write for them.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"There are some awful children’s books out there. I know I can do at least that well.†Here are some of the right reasons to publish a childrens book:â€Å"Children are the present and future of our world. I really want to impact them.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I want to make writing for kids my business and have a plan to write m any books.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I LOVE children’s books (even though I’m an adult) and want to write them so much, that I’m willing to learn how to write well in order to exceed their expectations.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"There are some awful children’s books out there. I want to improve the quality of children’s literature to give kids a better reading experience.†The reality is, children’s books are the most difficult type of literature to write and produce.You have to engage an adult audience (the people who hand over the money and are likely to be the one reading your book Every. Single. Day.) but you also have to engage the children, who will beg their money-wielding parent to buy the book and read it to them Every. Single. Day.Additionally, you only have zero to 700 words to communicate an entire story, with inciting incident, climactic moment, and final resolution, to the full satisfaction of both adult and child- much like when writing short stor ies. On repeat.Childrens Books Are on the RiseThe good news is that children’s book sales are on the rise. According to a 2017 article in Publisher’s Weekly, children’s books have become a centerpiece for many traditional publishers because the increase has surpassed those of every other book genre counterpart.Between 2012 and 2017 children’s book sales doubled, with a trajectory to continue increasing.In 2018, 31 out of the UK’s 100 bestselling books were children’s books. That’s a huge percentage!If I’m honest, I didn’t enter the children’s industry for the â€Å"right† reasons. I have always been a writer and was finally ready to pursue that professionally.So, in 2007, I began the hunt toward publishing. Self-publishing was nearly unheard of and I knew enough about traditional publishing to know that who you know matters as much as the quality of your work.What I learned Writing Childrens BooksBefore we teach you how to write a childrens book, its important to understand a few key things I wish I knew when I got started.Heres what I learned writing a childrens book:The children’s industry is highly competitive. So even though sales are on the rise, so are people writing and publishing them.Books that thrive in the industry are extremely well written and well marketed.It takes time to study the craft of writing for children well and of marketing and selling your book well. Thus, it also takes time to make money.Self-publishing children’s books is a totally viable and profitable way to produce your stories. From conversations I’ve had, I learned that I make more money per book sold than my traditionally published counterparts, have to do the same level of marketing as they do, have more creative control, and can get my book out in three months instead of one to two years. (I have many friends in the traditional industry and I love their contribution to market res earch and high-quality value. Together, we partner to impact children.)Writing for children is the best. Fan mail for kids? Nothing else like it. Experiencing the giggles and gasps of kids who are caught up in your words is life-giving. And knowing that your story is a safe space, gives kids permission to be uniquely them, and passes on important life skills to our upcoming generation is among the highest of honors.With time and practice, I learned how to set my expectations correctly, develop a writing habit, and produce high quality, professional, and engaging children’s books. If, after reading the right reasons to write a book for children, you realized this is YOU, then stick with me a bit longer and I’ll walk you through some standard first steps. If, after reading the wrong reasons to write a book for children, you realized this is YOU, then consider writing a book for adults. We have some great resources on how to determine what you should write, starting with something that gets you excited, that you can write quickly, and that you can write easily.For the rest of you, there are a number of standards and steps to get you going on writing your first children’s book.How to Write a Childrens Book Step by StepWriting a childrens book has a different overall book writing process than say, when youre writing a novel.Weve broken down the steps for writing childrens books with a strategy that works.#1 Determine for whom you’re writingEverything about how you start your book: your story idea, book layout, page count, number of illustrations, and depth of the plot depend on who you are writing for.A picture book, for example, is normally ready aloud by an adult. The child is captivated by full spreads of illustration and relies almost entirely on listening to the story.Language can be a little more developed, poetic, and nuanced since the book is as much for the reading adult as it is for the child. Early chapter books, on the other hand, are for the older budding reader who still relies on some artwork while gaining vocabulary.If you don’t know the age and stage of the child you’re writing for, you might lose their interest. The following is a guide for your book according to age group.Determine What You’re Writing:Children’s books length varies depending on the age group you want to write for and the detail of the story you want to tell.If you want to write for children 0 4 years old, then you’re most likely writing a board book or a very simple, short concept book.These books often teach children their colors or how to count or demonstrate a routine like bath time or bedtime, in 0 100 words. Children ages 3 8 love picture books. These are stories 0 700 words (1000 at the most) that use full page images to tell a story.These books are often read aloud to children by an adult. Picture books rely in part on the quality of the story as told through text and the work of the illustration to communicate the story. With so few words, picture books must be compelling and tell a complete story, meaning that every word must be purposeful in moving the story forward. Early Readers are short chapter books aimed at 5 7 year-olds and range from 200 5000 words. This youngest chapter book is designed for kiddos who see big kids reading chapter books and really want to read them, too.However, these kids are still developing reading skills and need simple language because they are reading it solo. Chapters are short so kids can feel successful as they make their way through such a â€Å"big† book. These are most popular in the educational market as a bridge for younger readers between picture books and chapter books. Heres a handy table for an easier overview:Children's AgeBook Length0 - 4 years old0 - 100 words3 - 8 years old0 - 700 words5 - 7 years old200 - 5000 words6 - 7 years old5000 - 20,000 words8 - 10 years old20,000 - 35,000 wordsTweens40,000 - 55 ,000 wordsYoung Adult50,000 - 70,000Naturally, as age of target child increases, word count increases, and the depth of the plot increases as well. These books include illustrations, in lesser measure as the word count increases, stopping around Middle Grade.This is a great resource for determining what you want to write (and for whom). This article was written primarily for writers in the traditional industry but is a great standard for us as well.#2 What Makes a Good Children’s Book? Childrens books are unique in the sense that their lesson and what children learn are so very important, but you also have to create this in a way that holds their attention.Here are some criteria for writing a good childrens book:It has an important lessonThe story is easy to follow for your chosen age-rangeThe illustrations are high-quality and professionalIts relatable to a wide range of children#3 Read LOTS of books in your categoryThere are many different genres to choose from when writi ng for children and the best way to write them well is to read them often.The following are a sampling of the options:Realistic Fiction: Made up stories that could happen today in real life (but didn’t).Historical Fiction: Made up stories based on actual historical events.Biography: A story like this, or a memoir, is based on the life of a real person.Fantasy: Made up stories that involve ideas that don’t happen in real life.Science Fiction: Made up stories that generally aren’t plausible and are normally set in the future involving some level of science and technology.Poetry: Writing poetry is telling stories told in verse, rhyming or not, mean to communicate in such a way as to evoke emotion.Non Fiction: True stories that are informational (to teach facts) or based on actual real-life stories.Folklore: These are the stories, often told orally first, that represent our history, our culture, our stories, myths, legends, nursery rhymes, songs of the past, and eve n some passed on fairy tales. These are often retold since we don’t know the original author. Reading books in your genre can help you understand the story structure that works, including how to start your story, the maturity of the content for your intended audience, and more.#4 Come up with an ideaChildren’s story ideas can be silly, deep, inspiring, hilarious, zany, serious, and straight up weird. They can make you laugh, cry, gasp, squeal, giggle and guffaw.Ideas like these come from so many places: the kids around you (eavesdrop on ‘em, it’s great), adults around you (eavesdropping actually goes a long way as a writer), nature, books, movies, newspaper articles, youtube videos, animals†¦ be an observer and you’ll find ideas everywhere!Here are a few of my favorites places to come up with childrens book ideas:Fractured Fairy Tales: Take a commonly known myth or legend and retell it in a new and creative way. Think â€Å"The True Story of the Three Little Pigs† (as told by the wolf), Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs, or my very own book, Tercules. I took the legend of Hercules, combined him with a wild turkey chick, and voila.Unlikely Characters and Settings: Speaking of Tercules, another great place to get ideas is by throwing together two very unlikely characters and dropping them in an unlikely setting. Shark versus Train is a great example of this.Putting Characters in Child-like Settings and Circumstances: Some book ideas are life skills we want to teach our kids in creative ways. The Princess and the Potty worked magic with my daughter. Or Is Your Buffalo Ready for Kindergarten?, illustrated by my friend, Daniel. Taking a unique character and putting them in the position of a child will help kids catch all sorts of great life skills. Or on a more serious note, my own Speranza’s Sweater: A Child’s Journey Through Foster Care and Adoption, gives children permission to experience the many con flicting feelings of adoption through the lens of Speranza. Our own SPS coach, Jed Jurchenko, also does this with his recent release, The Stormy Secret, helping kids navigate the safe places to share secrets imposed on them.#5 Outline the StoryOnce you have an idea, start laying it out in a book format. Yes, this is essentially outlining. Depending on the book category and genre, this outline will look different. For a picture book, the story will be, on average, 28 pages of story. Create a book dummy and fill in the pages with your idea. (To make a book dummy, take 16 pages of regular paper and fold them together in half to make a small booklet.This should create a 32 page â€Å"book.† The first few pages are your title page and copyright page, 28 pages of story, and then any end matter you’d like to include, like â€Å"About the Author† or an author’s note.Use this book dummy to layout your scenes and choose where in your story you want the page to tur n.If you’re writing a chapter book, make sure to outline the entire story with the five important milestones of a strong plotline, as well as the individual chapters. If you’re more of a pantzer, writing by the seat of your pants, then at the very least have a framework for your story so you don’t get lost on rabbit trails.If you get lost, your readers will too.#6 Nail Down the DetailsChoose whether you’ll write the book in poetry or prose, first person or third person, past tense or present tense.Use other books in your genre to guide you as a standard. If you choose to write in poetry, be aware that if you can’t do it perfectly, you really shouldn’t do it at all. Poetry is much more than rhyming words. It’s meter. Rhythm. Timing. Pacing.If one of these is off, it throws your reader off and discredits your book and your storytelling skills. If it can be told just as well in prose, do it. If you have mastered poetry, do it. #7 Write that first draft!Don’t stress the details, just get the story down.One of the biggest hangups preventing all authors from being successful is finishing writing a book.If you can accomplish this, youre further along in the process than most other writers you never get past the idea phase.Here are a few tips to finish your draft:Schedule writing timeGet an accountability partner for external motivationSet a deadlineGet rid of distractions while writingFocus on just FINISHING, no editing along the way#8 Re-read and revise your first draftDo you have enough words? Too many words? Add or cut as necessary.Does your story make sense? Are there plot holes you need to address? Did you break any of the â€Å"rules†? If so, why? If not, why?Tighten up your draft.This self-editing process can take a while, but youll feel better sending a cleaner, tighter manuscript to the editor because it can only get even better from there.#9 Get a critique and/or an edit.This gives you a cha nce to get a children’s book professional’s feedback on the marketability of your book, the content of your book, and to address any grammatical issues.No matter how well you think you’ve nailed grammar or understand a child’s brain, your set of eyes alone will never be sufficient for a perfect draft. I’m a seasoned writer and editor and I still don’t trust myself to catch every grammatical issue or plot hole. Invite a professional to give you content feedback as well as outside eyes on your grammar and syntax.But not just any professional! Make sure they have strong experience in the children’s writing industry and credibility to back up their work.Editing for children’s book is not the same as editing for books for adults.Trust me, I do both. Consider the editors feedback and make any necessary changes. Stay true to your voice and your story while honoring the tradition of literature and writing quality books.#10 Find a chil drens book illustratorThis is the most fun part! Your book will now come to life in the hands of someone amazing.The illustration in your book are extremely important. You have to think about which style you want and find someone who can bring that to life.Here are a few places you can find a childrens book illustrator:FiverrUpworkGoogle search for childrens book illustratorSociety of Childrens Book Writers and IllustratorsIllustrationWeb#10 Celebrate!This is huge! These words you’ve been pouring over are about to be read by children!Take a minute and have a dance party before stepping into book production, including formatting your book and even getting a book cover design.You did it!Are you ready to become a published childrens book author?If youre ready to finally take this idea youve had forever and do something about it, weve got just what you need.Check out this free training to learn which steps youll need to take in order to not only self-publish a book, but do it su ccessfully.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fraud And Capital Market Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Fraud And Capital Market - Research Paper Example These eroded financial statements are referred to as fraudulent financial reporting which can be defined in broad sense as deliberate misstatements or oversight of monetary values or disclosures in financial statements prepared to mislead financial statement users. Previous cases of fraud have left investors and regulators looking for answers like how can creative accounting be stopped, how it start and who is to blame when its revealed in their companies. Generally, these entire questions seem to be answered by putting liabilities to management for failure to comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Again, failure to detect fraud can be a backlog of independent auditors for failure to apply Generally Accepted Auditing principles (GAAP) accordingly. To counteract these frauds, regulators, corporations and government have instituted various professional ethics and liability laws to reduce such cases. Fraud detection and procedure Fraud detection is not necessarily the duty and obligation of the obvious and recognized agents such as investors, SEC and the independent auditors; rather it is the obligation of community which includes the media, industry regulatory actors, and the company employees. According to the research conducted by the (Kuhn & Sutton, 2006) whistleblowers defer in their capacity to detect frauds. Essentially, the researches indicate that, under legal duties and obligations, the independent auditors and the security regulators are the primary detector agents, auditors can either be internal or external. A fraud can either be detected by an internal auditor or external auditor since both have mutual interests in regard to internal financial controls. The internal auditor is usually part of the company or organization; their roles are stipulated by their respective boards, management and the professional standards while external auditors are not part of the organization but in the line of duty they are engaged by the organization (Harrison 2002). Their roles are set by their client and primary statute for a purpose of providing an independent opinion toward the organization financial statement and this is done annually. Both external and internal auditors ought to meet and share common interest which are directly related to auditing Procedures that auditor needs to go through to discover fraud There are three main steps auditors go through in detecting fraud, these steps are planning, execution and reporting, these steps involve follow up actions that reflect the performance of the audit. In a normal audit, fraud detecting can be done during the planning and execution stage. The table below show procedures an auditor ought to go through in order to detect fraud. Overview of fraud and detection process during normal audit During planning, the auditors assess the risk of fraud; this involves discussions between auditors to consider how and where the financial entity is lik ely to be susceptible to fraud (Harrion 2002). This assessment involves known external and internal factors that affect the financial entity and also consider risk of management overrule of control, and how the auditor is likely to react to the susceptibility of the entity in regard to fraud. During planning, it is important to obtain information required to identify fraud. The auditors are supposed to get sufficient

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

My Working Experience in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

My Working Experience in Business - Essay Example I also provided ideas about advertising and furniture design. Running a business became art by itself for me. I felt more interested in learning to run a business that makes good money promoting art, than doing artistic work alone. While the work experience developed my interest in business, I believe that the Business and Economics program offered by the University of California would provide me the essential knowledge needed to pursue a business career to the next level. As a person who grew up as an aspirant of art, innovation and communication skills will be the two most significant personal attributes that I will bring to the University of California. I believe that my work experience as a sale representative where I was involved in renovating the product lines and the showroom, has demonstrated my ability to introduce and implement new ideas. On the other hand, my experience as an officer of the International Business Club at the Mountain Sac College also enabled me to develop the communication skill needed for a successful career in the business world. When I first started working for the furniture store as a trainee, I was in fact among a group of young people who were hired to bring new ideas to an aging business. At that time, my boss just inherited the store from his uncle. He was trying to revive the fortune of a furniture store whose products were big, well-crafted, durable, but not attractive to new and young customers. To better understand the need for young customers, my boss decided to hire a group of young people, including myself, to give him a new direction of improving his business. Since I did not have any sales or office experience, I was hired as an apprentice. My boss not only wanted me to learn about crafting skill but also made good use of my artistic background to help him refresh our furniture design philosophy.  Ã‚  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Congestive Heart Failure Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Congestive Heart Failure - Case Study Example The heart failure is divided into systolic dysfunction and diastolic dysfunction. The ejection fraction, the fraction of blood that is pumped out by the contracting heart at the time of systole, determines the type of heart failure an individual is suffering from. Congestive heart failure is characterized by shortness of breath which increases from exertion. Other symptoms include peripheral edema which is caused by fluid retention in the legs. As in the case-study, CHF is associated with hypertension, which is one of the causes for heart failure caused by excessive stretching of the heart muscles. Apart from the clinical presentation of dyspnea, the patient also has 8 pound weight gain, which points out to another etiological factor of obesity which results in the causation of CHF. With the increase in weight, the workload of heart increases and hence the heart muscles weaken leading to CHF. It can also be a factor in exacerbation of CHF (Roberts 2009). The patient also complains of chest pain and is prescribed nitroglycerine ointment, Darvocet and Ibuprofen for her chest pain. Angina pectoris is described as chest pain caused by ischemia of the myocardium. The angina pectoris is associated with several risk factors which include family history, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, old age and hyperlipidemia. As evident from the patient’s history, she has associated complaints of hypertension and also an increased amount of weight for which she is being given a lipid lowering agent, Zocar 50mg once a day. The pain or discomfort is experienced retrosternal which extends to the shoulders, arms and jaws as well. The triggering factors might include emotional stress, exertion, post-meal or excessive cold (Griffin & Topol 2009). Hypertension is another complaint and she is being given Minipres and Calan once a day for lowering her blood pressure. Hypertension is one of the major risk factors for heart failure and is defined as a systolic and diastolic blood pres sure of 140/90 or greater than that. A complete history about patient’s lifestyle and daily habits will help in evaluating the etiology of hypertension (Toth & Cannon 2010). Atrial fibrillation is the fourth pathology evident from the patient’s case study. It results in tachyarrhythmia which presents as palpitations, dizziness, and shortness of breath. Less commonly the patients will manifest with chest pain or pulmonary edema. Its association with congestive heart failure, advanced age and hypertension can be explained by the reduced atrial contractions which result in atrial myolysis and defective calcium channels leading to abnormal sympathetic innervations at a cellular level (Griffin & Topol 2009). Digoxin is the most widely used cardiac glycoside for the treatment of heart failure. It promotes heart contractility and also regulates the calcium concentrations in the cytosol. With the action of Digoxin, the heart pumps blood with more force, almost resembling that of the normal heart. However, an important adverse effect includes hypokalemia which may lead to digitalis toxicity. Therefore, the patients are also prescribed potassium supplementation along with digoxin. Furosemide is a loop diuretic which increases the urine output and hence reduces the excessive water

Friday, November 15, 2019

What Is The Importance Of Groundwater Environmental Sciences Essay

What Is The Importance Of Groundwater Environmental Sciences Essay Groundwater is a regenerated phenomenon. Its circumstance from long time ago began to become worse and even worst because of people greediness and ignorance. We, group one, attempted strenuously to design this report to accomplish our only purpose which is for our mates to awake their sleeping instinct and make them aware of the importance of the groundwater for the environment and even for us. From antiquity, water especially water from underground has been utilized for irrigation and livestock. People with their narrow understanding of the environment in the past have succeeded in developing new simple methods to attract rain water and bring groundwater to surface so that they can use it easily. Many parts of the world face a lack of freshwater and groundwater occupies approximately two third of the freshwater resources, from that the groundwater is the most important, reliable source of freshwater sources. About 1% of water on the earth is made up by ground water and the groundwater volume is equal to a fifty five m thick layer in the earth surface. Groundwater supplies are the fundamental resources for people drinking, agriculture and even industry, about 80% of drinking water in Middle East, Europe, Russia and North America are groundwater. This Table (1) indicates the percentage of countries dependence on groundwater. Groundwater simply is the existed water in vents and scratches in rocks in ground layers. It is created from the collective of rainfall, melting ice and snow. Through the soil this banding water together moves into groundwater system stored in aquifers and when it find its way to surface it discharge from ground as lakes, streams and oceans. Therefore, groundwater is directly related to the water cycle which is related to the processes of the atmosphere and climate. Groundwater Occurrence: Through the soil the falling rain seeps down to the aeration or unsaturated zone which its vents are filled with air. It continues to seep deeper to enter the saturated zone where rocks vents are filled with water. The surface of that zone is called the water table that can occur everywhere in ground layers. Water table water reaches the surface at lakes and streams in humid climates. Thus, the amounts of floating water changes as seasons change. For example the depth of water table decreases during wet seasons and increases during dry seasons. Groundwater Rocks Textures: Groundwater amount and flow rate is controlled by properties related to rocks: rock porosity The percentage of pore space in the rock volume that allocates the amount of water that a rock can store. Porosity in sedimentary rocks is based on the size of rock partials, their shapes and their sorting and cement degree. Usually rocks with well-rounded rough partial sediments have higher porosity than fine-organized partial sediments, That is because the partials dont fit together very well. Usually unsorted sediments have lower porosity than the well sorted sediments because sorted partials head for filling the empty space. Cements highly fill the space of pore, and it has lower porosity. rock permeability The percentage of how highly the spaces of vents are interconnected in the rock. Usually rocks with low porosity have also low permeability but this isnt always true. There are possibilities that a rock with many pored space has a little interconnections between these pores. Vesicular volcanic rock is a good example for this state. Vesicular volcanic rock has a high porosity which is given from the stored gas in its bubbles but in contrast it has a low permeability because pores in that rock are not connected together. Force of molecular attraction is when water faces a lack in ionic charge and becomes attracted to minerals in rock vents. This shows us that if the permeability is low then water wont move. This means that if the interconnections size isnt enough for the molecular attraction the water wont move. Groundwater Aquifers: After rainfall seeps down to the ground, the soil carries away this water to springs and wells which is called aquifers. Precipitation recharge water into the ground in aquifers rocks vents and the recharge rate varies depending on the type of the aquifer rocks. If water is pumped from the well too much and with high speed then it will draw down in an aquifer and if this continues with the same high speed then the aquifer will dry out. There are two types of aquifers : Unconfined Aquifers : This type is the common kind of aquifers. Through unconfined Aquifer water table can expose to surface from aeration zone Confined Aquifers : This type is less common. It occurs when an aquifer constricts between impermeable strata layers. The figure below shows a distinctive kind of confined aquifer in artesian system. Artesian systems result in free flowing springs and wells. When the surface interacts with the water table on the earth surface causing water flowing out of the ground, springs are formed. They occur when aquiclude rock interacts with an aquifer . When human beings dig a deep hole in the ground that interacts with water table, wells are formed. Wells are one of the groundwater sources. They will dry out if we dig holes very deep in the ground. C:UsersLGAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesLowContent.IE5Y3H9SNP97_aquiferswells_large[1].jpg Groundwater Foundation and composition: Most of the shallow groundwater is composed directly from the nominated small amounts of rainwater and snow melt to the class that follows the surface. As for the groundwater remote valley has its adherence to the pores of the soil they remain stagnant for millions of years. Some of this type of water contains large amounts of dissolved salts may be salty sea water retained by the surrounding rock formation during a long time ago. In volcanic regions may produce small amounts of groundwater from molten masses of igneous rocks in the deeper part of the class that follows the surface. Even in areas where there is a hot spring, the quantities of water that originates from molten rock, generally less than 1% of the total hot water flowing on the surface. Through the various stages of geological evolution of groundwater have been too many changes in the structure occurred as a result of mutual influence between water and surrounding rock under the influence of pressure and heat. According to modern conceptions, the groundwater is formed at the expense of water molecules within the solid part of the earth. According to modern conceptions, the groundwater is formed at the expense of water molecules within the solid part of the earth. As a result of the receipt of water to the rocks from the outer shells also it result of dewatering of the sedimentary origin of metals. Groundwater originating outside Established this type of water as a result of leakage of part of the water runoff to the ground by the pores and cracks within rocks. This leakage depends on the quality of the rocks in the area of the leak. Ground water originating in the internal In addition to the emergence of underground water sedimentation and condensation also arise through the presence and the presence of water vapor and other gases resulting from (Amalgam) liquid in the range of the deep Earth. As a result of the movement of these (Amalgam), these gases and vapors separated from the (Amalgam) and the Federation of hydrogen and oxygen, forming water vapor, Which in turn condenses problem fluids rise through cracks and deep tectonic faults and appear on the surface in the form of metal springs are hot and you know this theory virginity. Groundwater chemical origin Many of the rocks under the water molecules attached to such Almirabelit (NasSO4.10H2O) which contains 55.9% water. Plaster and also contains 20.9% water and also Allimonayat and contains 25.2% water in composition. Under the changes affected by geothermal can be freed from a portion of these rocks, and water is a safe house of groundwater. Groundwater Movement: Groundwater movement is very slow, which means they will still exist in the ground and are available for very long periods so that could be used in multiple uses before they reach on its way to the sea and this is one of the most important characteristics. Underground water moves toward the bottom and as a result of Gravitation, and then laterally as a result of increasing pressure and movement might be in places where the alleged high pressure and high water to the places where the alleged low water pressure is less. The speed of ground water on several factors, including: a) Amount Alomta: t rev in the rainy season due to increased water levels a mile underground. b) Permeability: Increases the speed increase of permeability. c) Depth: at least speed up the water depth due to the loss of energy due to friction with rocks. The difference between the level of groundwater and surface water: water moves from the hills to the valleys in the rainy season as it moves from the bottom of the valleys in the dry season. Is determined by the rate of movement of groundwater on the basis of the permeability of rocks or sediments that contain this water and also the rate of decline of water level and the rate of flow of river water depends on the downstream slope. Groundwater Pollution : Water pollution: damage or corruption to the quality of water leading to an imbalance in the system in one way or the other, thereby reducing their capacity to perform its natural role. Collects groundwater beneath the earths crust of Foreign affairs , and these waters are considered the most important sources of water given by the states informed attention to the preservation of environmental pollution by attachment , environmental contamination and the indiscriminate use of groundwater resources threatens the groundwater in the world . There are several reasons for causing pollution of underground water, one of the causes of pollution is the human activities in the land that come through pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and chemicals spills and deep injection wells, these materials cause serious diseases in humans especially in children where up to humans through the irrigation and rain, who nominated them Egervan pesticides non analyst Baltjah aquifers . It is important to know that groundwater is a very important source of potable water for use, and may be wasteful in the use of much of the work cause a major threat to the presence and continuity of fresh water is the most important problems who cause reduce the chances of the availability of groundwater collapse of the land and the leakage of salt water to wells constantly Vidhar water and causing her substantial pollution and a clear change its characteristics of natural and unfortunately there are some wells close to the surface of the earth, which expose it to contamination of biological or chemical Valabar that contain ground water should preferably be at altitudes appropriate to avoid what might happen around them .. If the rise was more than 40 feet reduces the pollution of groundwater Only in this case, the layered porous half permeability is working to rid the water of impurities and contaminants, and if there is contamination of the groundwater may be difficult to filter t he whole it is difficult to liquidate quickly, because this water Tkwon slow flow and movement in the ground may not exceed several meters of movement may affect the location and quality of water filtering. There are several diseases caused by pollution of underground water, such as: 1 Cholera. 2 Typhoid. 3 All kinds of dysentery. 4 Hepatitis. 5 Malaria. 6 Schistosomiasis. 7 Liver disease. 8 Poisoning. There are several ways to prevent contaminants from reaching groundwater and some solutions for the liquidation of underground water of pollutants such as: * Chemical precipitation to remove water hardness. * Sedimentation to remove sediment resulting from chemical treatment. * Disinfection process to kill micro-organisms causing disease. * Desalination of saline groundwater. * Wastewater treatment before arriving to the soil and water bodies. * Dissemination of human consciousness for water conservation. * Passing laws to deal with toxic waste and follow the process to get rid of toxic waste. * Passing laws to deal with toxic waste and follow the process to get rid of toxic waste. Groundwater in the UAE Human activities impact: Human activities have a significant impact on groundwater in the United Arab Emirates. Groundwater is the source of the most commonly used provision in the United Arab Emirates, where it is facing a heavy pressure from population growth, urbanization and agricultural and industrial practices. As a result of these activities has become ground water is used excessively in recent decades and, more from the past.  The height of these human activities require an increase in the use of groundwater, which led to their use of groundwater stored in aquifers key and so will this lead to a decrease of excessive use of groundwater in the main stores in the United Arab Emirates.  And also as a result received excellent groundwater degradation where it met with many of the problems that reduce the quality in the United Arab Emirates, and one of these problems, groundwater salinity and will progressively become more saline, and the other problem that may harm the quality of groundwater is due to the imbalance between the annual recharge and discharge. Recently several wells in the eastern and the northern parts of the country went dry. On the other hand, the oil industry and the practice of agriculture are key factors in the pollution of groundwater.  As a result of the oil industry is to increase the salinity in groundwater due to solvents, waste oil thrown staged near areas of groundwater example Bu Hasa area.  The agricultural practices are increasing pollution of groundwater due to the use of pesticides and fertilizers staged affect the quality of groundwater. Future plans: Increase continuity in the use of groundwater has led to decreases dramatically and this is what was observed in recent decades, after studies staged held in the UAE and this is the main reason to re-examine the sources of water in the UAE and building plans for the future adopted by the State in the use of water source and the most important groundwater. Of the most important future plans to maintain the underground water level and the reduction of use, is to regulate the drilling and exploitation of groundwater wells and the exploitation of the groundwater in agriculture properly be used in any modern irrigation methods staged availability of ground water and keep them from drying. In addition to the expansion of the establishment of dams to hold rainwater, and include the application of a program to conserve and rationalize water use, groundwater, and enhance the statistics of groundwater, especially in the area of authentication and authorization withdrawals of water and develop a program to improve methods for rainwater harvesting in order to feed water tank underground. Construction of dams:   Given the importance played by dams in the custody of rainwater for later use feed water storage underground, especially since the natural nutrition are only a small percentage of the amount of water withdrawn and did not exceed in any case 10% were interested in the United Arab Emirates establishment of dams, which now numbered114 dams with a capacity of storing 114 million cubic meters. Modify the patterns of agricultural and irrigation:   Given that agriculture is the largest consumer of water in the state (about 80%) of total water consumption has turned the state in recent years to use the patterns of modern agricultural reduce water consumption through the promotion of workers in the agricultural sector on the use of means and methods of modern irrigation, training in their use,  It is through the provision of irrigation systems, modern farm prices are almost free in some cases, have succeeded the State had notable success in mainstreaming the use of these means, as increased area cultivated areas that are irrigated by the use of those means more than 70% and on that used by some parties   to the plans set standards and specifications for water quality and crops to be cultivated and determine the area and the regulations and conditions of the agricultural plan. Conclusion: So far, we have seen that groundwater is very essential freshwater resources for us without it we will face a remarkable damage in human life span. So, from this importance of groundwater UAE holds many projects to preserve the water sources because I said the water sources in the United Arab Emirates due to lack of rainfall.  Among the most important of these projects the project primarily in the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, the underground injection His aim is to maintain strategic reserves of water in the emirate, through improving the quality of groundwater, which has become unfit for the use of high salinity due to depletion in the past years.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Dobe Ju/ hoansi Essay example -- essays research papers

The Dobe Ju/' hoansi   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ch 10: The Ju/' hoansi & their neighbors o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Ju/'hoansi share the Dobe area with the Herero and Tswana pastorals. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They grow crops and have herds yet are all based on kinship and are don't have developed markets or governments. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Herero's are the largest groups of in the Dobe area. They are Bantu speaking people. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Were influenced by the German missionaries who pushed them out of their land. They attacked colonists and Germany declared war, ultimately killing 60% of them. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Working on Herero cattle posts is major source of employment of the Ju. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With the H& T's came major ecological changes. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wells were deepened to ensure water supply for stock and were also fenced in. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Has created more sanitary water but less is available. Goats have also destroyed the grass. And each cattle post now has a permanent population of houseflies. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Working for the Herero's gives a Ju a donkey to ride as well as an outfit. Wages are minimum but it offers a calf in the long run and ability to offer relatives hospitality. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Intermarriage is common with Ju women marry Black men. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Advantages- Ju woman are in the ar...