Monday, December 30, 2019

Criminal Justice Trends Evnaluatio - 1253 Words

Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation 1 Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation December 10, 2012 CJA/394 Troy Hokanson Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation 2 Introduction The criminal justice system is very important to American society. The reason for laws are to defend society from harm, make certain each person is safe as well as to be treated fairly. The criminal justice system labors to defend the guiltless and to discipline the guilty without putting at risk an individual’s rights.This paper will evaluate the future of the†¦show more content†¦Although, criminals may benefit from technology by using it for criminal gain; law enforcement also benefit from the latest technology. DNA is a technology Criminal Justice Trends and Evaluation 4 that has developed a major impact on the viewpoint of the criminal justice system. With DNA samples of an individual’s fingerprint’s can be lifted from a crime scene. The breakthrough of DNA allows a person to be recognized through body fluid, hair, and fingerprint samples to be able to solve a crime (Smith, 2004). DNA samples identify suspects but one of the more positive aspects of DNA is proving a person innocent when he or she has been falsely imprisoned. Contemporary issues are problems that have faced the criminal justice system. Contemporary Issues There are many contemporary issues facing the criminal justice system and impact has caused problems such as with sentencing, courts, and corrections. The overcrowding of prisons and longer prison sentences are directly related to the â€Å"Three Strikes and You’re Out† laws (Muraskin amp; Roberts, 2009). As is the lack of rehabilitation and reentry training. There are barriers that individuals must face when leaving prison and reentering the general public. These barriers include social, psychological, and legal barriers (Muraskin amp; Roberts, 2009). To completely understand

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Disadvantages Of Censorship In China - 1459 Words

Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. There are good reasons why censorship is used, such as some information might have to be censored for the content it might display and which in turn might cause a disturbance in peace. Countries try not abuse the fact they are allowed to do this because they are the ones who create the rules. However, China is abusing this fact and has been doing it to the point people are fearing what they can post or use on the internet. This issue was brought up in recent years because it has many different types of medians that were found in the New York Times. Firstly, the discussion†¦show more content†¦No one wants to watch a video of people getting hurt and be manipulated into doing others work. That is why there are rules in place and why censorship exist, to keep the internet safe from such videos or pictures. A great example of why we need censorship is cyberbullying or cyberterrorism. If we did not have censorship in place this would get out of control and cause chaos. However, censoring to the point where people have no right to the freedom of speech is taking it to far. China has almost done this by removing almost all forms of communication besides texting, calling, and e-mailing. Their lastest move was the removal of the WhatsApp, it was a very popular app in China because of how well it was for communication and sending out information for others to see. While they did not fully remove the app from its place, they did however, reduce the usage by disrupting the videos, video chat, and picture function to the point of the app not being useful. WhatsApp is an app that was founded by Facebook and is now being censored by the Chinese. WhatsApp was Facebooks way in getting back into China, but because of government trying to get rid of it, the company has taken a major blow. Facebook only stak e in the country is the Colorful Balloons app. This event has many featured articles that are relevant to the issue such as the â€Å"China Blocks WhatsApp, Broadening Online Censorship.† At first, users of the app were having disruptions when sending voiceShow MoreRelatedGoogle in China Case Study791 Words   |  4 PagesGOOGLE IN CHINA CASE STUDY Introduction Currently Google faces major issues regarding its operation in China. Google has been faced with the decision to comply with Chinese government regulation and censor its search engine results or take on the human rights approach of freedom of speech and eliminate censorship of searched terms. This paper will examine the case study, Google in China, and answer the following questions: What advantages and disadvantages does Google have in the Chinese marketRead MoreThe Invention Of The World Wide Web1674 Words   |  7 Pagesvirtually. With the number of users expanding greatly, the risk of privacy has also increased. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Gsh sushi hasn’t died Free Essays

That’s a good Joke to tell everyone go get me yester fluffs kudzu,s. Ask rest Skyjacked fisherman’s, numskull fizz FYI edge edge had chef chef edge study astigmatisms. Strange. We will write a custom essay sample on Gsh sushi hasn’t died or any similar topic only for you Order Now Haverford TU. Fondue bed wrong waywardness. Rush cute. Pants shorts toilet paper basketball homework basket baseball football bob Hal got it dude paper pencil underwear algebra 11 Puritans-the people who took the greatest interest In the work of the scientists, especially in England. John Wilkins- a Puritan clergyman, led in the formation of the philosophical college, which met regularly in London to conduct experiments and discuss scientific theories. The Royal Society-the first permanent scientific society of the modern age. The French Academy of science was founded in Paris in 1666. It was supported largely by Hugeness. Blaine Pascal-a brilliant French mathematician and philosopher. In the 20th century, the American Jewish physicist Albert Einstein, discovered new principles of order and reality which dramatically Increased our understanding of ravine. Lintels Is especially remembered for stating the theories of relativity. Circulation of the blood in the human body. Harvey’s work was crucial to the advance of medical science; for, as the Bible proclaimed more than 2000 years before Christ, the life of the flesh is in the blood. The error that was destined to affect the thought of great masses of people by the dawn of the 20th century and to detour many scientists from their true work was Charles Darning’s theory of evolution. Without ability in mathematics, Darwin lacked the chief tool of the great scientists. Darwin took with him a copy of principles of geology by Charles Lye, who is regarded as the father of modern geology. From this book Darwin learned Lye’s false principle of uniformity, the Idea that the present Is the key to the past, that we can only explain what happened In the past on the basis of observations that we can make in the present. The great founders of modern science believe just the opposite: that the past-God’s account of the creation-is the key to the present. In 1859, Charles Darwin published his book The Origin of Species, n which he rejected the biblical record of creation and propose that â€Å"probably all the organic being which has ever lived on the Earth have descended from some one primordial form, into which life was first breathed. Everyone go get me yester fluffs kudzu. Ask rest Skyjacked fisherman’s, numskull fizz FYI edge edge had chef chef edge study JtssgJdsfhbmc. Strange. Haverford TU. Fondue bed wrong waywardness. Rush cute. Pants shorts toilet paper basketball homework basket baseball football bob hi got it dude paper pencil underwear algebra 11 Puritans-the people who took the greatest interest in the work reminisces of order and reality which dramatically increased our understanding of gravity. Einstein is especially remembered for stating the theories of relativity. Andrea Vesuvius-the father of anatomy. In 1616, William Harvey described the circulation of the blood in the human body. Harvey’s work was crucial to the advance book Darwin learned Lye’s false principle of uniformity, the idea that the present is the key to the past, that we can only explain what happened in the past on the basis science believe Just the opposite: that the past-God’s account of the creation-is the How to cite Gsh sushi hasn’t died, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Metalcore free essay sample

The sound, image, and overall message of heavy metal/ hardcore in the past 10 years have, without a doubt, become an increasingly corporations art form while still remaining fairly underground. Nu-metal, the amalgamation Of heavy metal, rock, rap, memo and electronic elements, dominated the radio waves in the late sasss/early sasss with several bands crossing over to the mainstream pop charts such as Koran, Link Park, and imp Backbit. The popularity of nu-metal sharply waned at the end of the early sasss and more soft, alternative rock bands (also known as audio rock or butt rock) I. E.Knickknack and Breaking Benjamin, arose. Meanwhile, an underground genre was about to gain a ridiculous amount of popularity to combat radio rock. This new, underground genre became known as metalwork. Metalwork was an unwaveringly literal combination of heavy metal and hardcore, which garnered a loyal following of younger fans and changed the image and spirit of the once-average heavy metal fan. We will write a custom essay sample on Metalcore or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Early incarnations of the genre existed in the later sasss. The band Converge based itself on a Metallic-like thrash teal sound combined with the time-signature-ignoring Black Flag punk parts.However, the staunch metalwork sound to become famous utilized Guttenberg-style riffs (quickly palm-muting the low E-string and up-stroking the A or D-strings, made famous by Swedish metal band At the Gates) and blended hardcore chugging breakdowns (palm-muted open notes syncopated with a double-kick bass drum al Metallic One). In this style, guitars always had distortion applied, but were much more clear-sounding than the lo-if fuzz of New York Punk bands.While the fist-pumping sasss air metal bands specialized in the falsetto singing vocals and the hardcore punk scene favored shouting-or gang-vocals, a more precise, less damaging style of unclean vocals-or screaming-has been the main staple of metalwork bands. What truly converted these bands from the underground to the mainstream was the inc lusion of power-chord choruses with clean memo- influenced vocals/lyrics, as opposed to earlier lyrical content of wizards and HP Elaborate-issue imagery.In 2004, Massachusetts metalwork band Checklists Engages The End Of Heartache debuted at 21 on the United States pop charts, selling 38,000 copies its first week (Billboard) without any radio play or cable television exposure. In the pre-Youth days, the 2003 revamped heavy metal music video program, Hydrangeas Ball on the MATT network, was the only televised publicity Checklists Engage and other metalwork bands received. The worldwide recognition these seemingly unmarketable bands received came mainly from early audio-streaming profiles like Previous and hiccup. Mom, then spearheaded by social media behemoth Namespace. Instead of relentless DID-touring and sending demo Cads o independent record labels, bands were able to self-promote and gain a formidable virtual fan base without initial record deals. In the mid-sasss, record labels almost exclusively signed heavy metal bands based on the activity and support shown on their Namespace accounts. Acts such as The Devil Wears Pravda and Schizoids received major-label distribution and management without first going on tour.With labels fully targeting the younger demographic of energetic Namespace-using metalwork fanatics, the image and look of the bands and th eir merchandise nearly became more pivotal than he music itself. The conventional heavy metal merchandise look of leather jackets, black logged t-shirts and holed jeans were replaced with the paradoxical fashion Of neon-colored designs and skinny female jeans worn by both genders. This style of clothes was so successfully sold, band merchandise outlet Hot Topic was named the #53 business to work for by Fortune Magazine in 2006. (CNN . Mom) To combat this memo-tinged genre of fashion-obsessed popular metalwork, 2007 brought exposure and popularity to a new wave of heavy metal titled decorator. Borrowing heavily from animal death metal (or New York metal) band Cannibal Corpse, the Guttenberg guitar riffs were replaced by dissonant tremolo-picking at light speed pace with abrupt, even slower, down-tuned hardcore breakdowns thrown into the mix. Memo-style choruses were also nixed for lower-pitched guttural vocal screams while lyrics and merchandise became darker and more violence-based (heavily influenced by Cannibal Corpse as well).Decorator bands r eplaced metalwork bands at the Billboard charts with acts such as Suicide Silences No Time To Bleed selling 14,000 copies in its first eek in 2009 (Billboard). While both metalwork and decorator bands instantaneously generated giant fan bases which only a handful of preceding traditional heavy metal acts acquired, the staunch and insular approach to their music made their fame only temporary. Once its popularity declined in late 201 0, a popular new wave of digitized heavy metal was starting to crest.With a major increase of Dos producing electronic dance music, metal acts started a second wave of nu-metal, playing much less technical and groove- based breakdowns performed over pre-recorded techno-style electronic oases. Power-chord choruses returned but were muted in the mix compared to the synthesizer background noises and boy-band style clean vocals. While fast-paced beats were conventional for metalwork and decorator concerts, 2nd wave nu-metal bands (I. E. Of Mice Men and Issues) generally kept the staccato String chugging on a 4/4 time measure for more accessible listening. Even with file-sharing and music-pirating showing no sign of stopping, the aforementioned bands 2014 Cads both placed in the top 10 Billboard chart, selling 51 ,OHO and 22,000, respectively, in the first week. Heavy metals definition has remained abstract throughout the decades, its image elusive and its sound revamped and interpreted in more ways than imaginable. Metalcore free essay sample Is a genre of music which has always been difficult to define. In the famous words of united States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart l know it when I see it. Although Mr.. Potter was referring to another subject deemed hardcore, the quote is a solid idiom for the general masses who hear a few distorted seconds of any abrasive, rock-based song. However, the progression of standard heavy genres of music (and Its subsequent submerges) have become increasingly less black-and- white In the post-9/11 age of Information.The sound, Image, and overall message of eave metal/hardcore In the past 10 years have, without a doubt, become an increasingly corporations art form while still remaining fairly underground. Nu-metal, the amalgamation of heavy metal, rock. Rap, memo and electronic elements, dominated the radio waves in the late CSS/early asss with several bands crossing over to the mainstream pop charts such as Koran, Link Park, and Limp Belt. We will write a custom essay sample on Metalcore or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The popularity of nu-metal sharply waned at the end of the early asss and more soft, alternative rock bands (also known as radio rock or butt rock) I. E.Knickknack and Breaking Benjamin, arose. Meanwhile, an underground genre was bout to gain a ridiculous amount of popularity to combat radio rock. This new, underground genre became known as metalwork. Metalwork was an unwaveringly literal combination of heavy metal and hardcore, which garnered a loyal following of younger fans and changed the Image and spirit of the once-average heavy metal fan. Early Incarnations of the genre existed in the later tests. The band Converge based itself on a Metallic-like thrash metal sound combined with the telnet- signature-ignoring Black Flag punk parts.However, the staunch metalwork sound to become famous utilized Guttenberg-style riffs (quickly palm-muting the low E- tiring and up-stroking the A or D-strings, made famous by Swedish metal band At the Gates) and blended hardcore chugging breakdowns (palm-muted open notes syncopated with a double-kick bass drum al Metallic One). In this style, guitars always had distortion applied, but were much more clear-sounding than the lo-if fuzz of New York Punk bands. Hill the fist-pumping offs hair metal bands specialized in the falsetto singing vocals and the hardcore punk scene favored shouting-or gang-vocals, a more precise, less damaging style of unclean vocals-or screaming- has been the main staple of metalwork bands. What truly converted these bands from the underground to the mainstream was the Inclusion of power-chord choruses with clean memo-launche d vocals/lyrics, as opposed to earlier lyrical content of wizards and HP Elaborate-issue Imagery.In 2004, Massachusetts metalwork band Checklists Engages The End of Heartache debuted at 21 on the united States top charts, selling 38,000 copies its first week (Billboard) without any radio play or cable television exposure. In the pre-Youth days, the 2003 revamped heavy metal music video program, Hydrangeas Ball on the MATT network, was the only televised publicity Checklists Engage and other metalwork bands received. The worldwide recognition these seemingly unmarketable bands received came mainly from early social media behemoth Misplace. Instead of relentless DID-touring and sending demo Cads to independent record labels, bands were able to self-promote and gain a formidable virtual fan base without initial record deals. In the mid-asss, record labels almost exclusively signed heavy metal bands based on the activity and support shown on their Misplace accounts.Acts such as The Devil Wears Pravda and Schizoids received major-label distribution and management without first going on tour. With labels fully targeting the younger demographic of energetic Misplace-using metalwork fanatics, the image and look of the bands and their merchandise nearly became more pivotal than the music itself. The conventional heavy metal merchandise look of leather Jackets, black lodged t-shirts and holed Jeans were replaced with the paradoxical fashion of neon-colored designs and skinny female leans worn by both gend ers.This style of clothes was so successfully sold, band merchandise outlet Hot Topic was named the #53 business to work for by Fortune Magazine in 2006. (CNN. Mom) To combat this memo-tinged genre of fashion-obsessed popular metalwork, 2007 brought exposure and popularity to a new wave of heavy metal titled decorate. Borrowing heavily from seminal death metal (or New York metal) band Cannibal Corpse, the Guttenberg guitar riffs were replaced by dissonant tremolo-picking at light speed pace with abrupt, even slower, down-tuned hardcore breakdowns thrown into the mix.Memo-style choruses were also nixed for lower- pitched guttural vocal screams while lyrics and merchandise became darker and more violence-based (heavily influenced by Cannibal Corpse as well). Decorate bands replaced metalwork bands at the Billboard charts with acts such as Suicide Silences No Time To Bleed selling 14,000 copies in its first week in 2009 (Billboard). Nile both metalwork and decorate bands instantaneously generated giant fan bases which only a handful of preceding traditional heavy metal acts acquired, the staunch and insular approach to their music made their fame only temporary.